As if we don't see airplanes enough in our lives, we practically spent last weekend with them.
Friday Night
Matt needed a pick up from the airport. We graciously took the opportunity to see the planes at "the port." Friday night is always nutty at the airport so I did not look forward to driving in there. I was really not looking forward to the drive home when Matt said he had driven enough that week and would rather sit in the back with G.
We had some errands to run and G needed a snack. We just happened to be near the airport and stopped where the boys could watch airplanes land while snacking.
Since we were over that way, we decided to visit an aviation store on Irving Park that is usually
closed when we drive by on Friday nights. G talked Matt into a United Airlines playset; he got his first play with it at a picnic table outside the store. No surprise the store is at the end of a runway so we got to see real planes take off while his pretend plane made some dangerous and evasive maneuvers.
M spent the weekend with my parents and she was due to come home on Sunday. Mom said they planned to go to a little airport by their house for a monthly breakfast. How could we deny the boy one more day of airplanes? Contrary to our typical hang in the jammies Sunday, we were on our way by 8:15AM.
I think the best was saved for last this weekend. Many of the customers at the breakfast flew their planes to the airport. They parked in the grass just off the runway, which gave the land lovers a chance to peruse the different planes.
I was particularly happy to see that my grandparents came along as well. Many years ago my grandfather was a certified pilot for small Cessna-type aircraft. He told several stories and got to talk to many of the pilots. I think G had a great time hanging out with him.
G and Great Grandpa O |
The kids and PAPA! |
Now Matt is gone for a few days and we are airplane free. Maybe that big pile of laundry will get folded, but I doubt it.